STATEC™ Safety products © 2022 All Rights Reserved
WEIGHT (Grams): 508
DIMENSIONS (mm): W x L 240 x 585
DATA SHEET / CERTIFICATE: Available on request.
The STATEC™ Anti-static Conductive ESD Heavy Duty Vessel Scraper is and tested to ATEX and IEC standards. The blade and comfortable T-grip handle are made from STATEC™ Anti-static Conductive plastic. The thicker blade is ideal for useage whilst retaining a degree of flexibility. This ensures a good surface contact with the vessel wall and it also allows the chiseled edge to be strong enough to scrape away at tougher spots such as dried on material. The design considers contimination traps and allows for easy cleaning. The pole is made from stainless steel and has a good wall thickness to give strength whilst staying light enough not to hinder performance.
STATEC™ Anti-static Conductive plastic material has the ability to readily dissipate a static charge before it can accumulate to a critical level. Ideal for grounding if required.
All testing has been carried out by a UKAS accredited testing laboratory.
STATEC™ Anti-static Conductive ESD products are certified to have a surface resistance less than 1 G Ohm as required by IEC 60079-0:2011:
Clauses 7.4.2 and EN 13463-1:2009: Clause 6.7.
Static electricity is variable and the assessment of potential industrial hazards is specialist and of utmost importance. We therefore recommend companies undertake in-house testing and seek expert advice to ensure the suitability of the products before use. These tools can be used in conjunction with other measures to control static discharge from equipment and personnel, including antistatic/dissipative footwear and gloves and suitable dissipative flooring.
If you require any further information regarding the use of STATEC™ products in critical or high-risk environments we advise you contact us before purchase.